Monday, September 5, 2016

Apple Of God's Eye

Even if you have not met God face to face, He knows you. God planned each of us long before our parents even met. He knew us, and He planned our lives out in detail. In this huge universe, God not only knows you, He loves you! Sometimes that is hard to understand, but that is part of who God is.

Once you meet Him, accept Him as your Savior, the Bible says we become His child. As our father, He loves you like no one else ever will. Because you were His plan before you were conceived, He has a plan for your life. What happens if we don't know Him personally and turn our lives over to Him. How does that play out before we know Him?

Since He knows the plan, our life before we know Him, is still within His control. He will work circumstances throughout our lives to line us up where we need to be. My husband John was a part of my life even though I didn't meet him until I was in my 30s. We found out after we met, that his cousin lived just down the street from me when we were still in grade school. He spent time at that cousin's house, and even came to my grade school the only year we had a fair on the playground. We also found out when I found my birth family, that he met and knew my sister and her husband when they got married. Her new sister-in-law was one of his friends.

His life and mine took many paths from those years. We had many experiences, before God brought us together. I am convinced
God had us as soul mates before we were born. Like most of us, we follow our own paths, seldom listening to what God has for us. We either don't know Him, or we just choose to do what we want. Like I said it is God's Plan, and no matter how far off we go, God can and will bring us to where He wants us.

I love being loved by God. No matter what happens in my life, I know He is in charge. I also know that whatever He has planned for me is perfect for me. He knows what I need, He knows what is best. He created every part of my being, heart, soul, brain, and spirit, so He knows what I need, even when I don't. It's like being best friends with someone. My husband and I are like that. We know what makes the other happy. We know what each thinks about things, and we know each other's heart. That's how well God knows you, quadrupled.

No matter what anyone else says about you, or thinks about you, God is your authority. Learn to know Him through His word, and walking closely with Him, and then be concerned with what He thinks. If someone hurts you, or puts you down, don't let that affect how you see you! Filter it through what Jesus says!  He will always love you better than anyone else is capable of! It took me years to believe that, because I saw me as having no worth. Those are lies God will never tell you! Repeat often.....I am His child! I am His child! I am loved!

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