Saturday, March 28, 2015

Life Renewed!

Spring is one season that shouts out....I'm here! By that I mean there is just something about the air, the sounds, and smells that are unique to this season. The first time you walk outside in the early morning to a not so chilly temperature, smell really fresh air, and see a blue, blue sky, you know! Birds are flying from tree to tree, each singing their own song. They're all there, robins, finches, Blue Jays, and Cardinals.

As I take Molly our Terrier for longer walks, baby bunnies hop from bush to bush, squirrels taunt her from the trees. Her head is up, nose twitching to capture all the scents. Spring just makes my heart happy! In every yard grass is getting it's green on, and small green shoots are emerging from flower beds. The bright yellow of daffodils are a cheery reminder that a new season is born! Did I mention that Spring is my favorite season? 

Spring is what makes Winter bearable. Each cold wind, snow, and gloomy days will not last forever. Soon that season will end and Spring will emerge. It is like watching the world slowly awaken from a long nap. Spring is literally "In the air." Spring is new life. Babies of all kinds are being conceived and born.....New life! I can't write about Spring without writing about Easter. 

If you know me through my Blog, or are my family and friends, you know I am a born again believer in JESUS Christ. Spring is the ultimate new life in Easter as we remember our Savior. For many Easter is Spring break from school, chocolate bunnies, Easter eggs, new clothes, and yes, Peeps. For me and other believers it is a time of Christ's sacrifice on the cross and His resurrection. His life triumphed over death! 

Living in U forgiven sin, separates us from God. he is pure and can not be near sin. Yet He knew when He created us, we would sin. We are human. God loves us too much to leave us there. He had a plan all along. His son was with Him in the creation, and would be sent to earth, born as a human baby. He would be sinless, would grow, teach, heal, and prepare His disciples to lead others to God. His blood, all of it, was shed on the cross, because He was the ultimate Passover Lamb. He took our sin, nailed it to the cross, and His blood covers us so God sees us as pure. It is a free gift, but He also gave each of us free choice!

We too have to die to self, repent, and turn our lives over to JESUS. Accept Him into our heart, and then let Him be the ruler of your life. He changes hearts, and opens eyes to see Him. We become new creatures, spiritually. Do we still sin? Yes, but we recognize the sin, ask forgiveness, and go a different direction. Is it easy? Not always, but by accepting Jesus as your Savior, He i dwells tHis Holy Spirit within you. He is our helper. It is a lifetime of learning and growing, but so worth it! JESUS died for me and you, whether you believe it or not. Jesus set us free! 

I have walked this road for 35 years now, and I totally belong to Jesus. Even in the hard times, pain, and tears, He is my refuge, and I trust Him! I have grown closer and closer to Him in Bible Study, and prayer. He has proven His care over and over. He will always hear me, take care of me and love me. He has a plan for my life! 

It is not about Church or religion. It is about a close personal relationship with Jesus, knowing His heart. He saved me, molded me, and quaranteed my name in His Book of Life. When He sends my angel to escort me to Heaven, I will see Him face to face. I will see His scars, I will see the love in His eyes. Yes, I expect a hug, and hope to hear, "Well done, good and faithful servant." 

Spring and Easter are not the only time this is important to me....It is my way of life! If you aren't there yet, God still loves you and He thinks about you. I am selfish, I want you all with me in Heaven so we can spend eternity together! He created each of us for His pleasure, and so wants us all with Him. Have a Blessed and Happy Easter as you think on these things!

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Carolyn McBreen Gibbs Blog: My Heart, My JESUS!

Carolyn McBreen Gibbs Blog: My Heart, My JESUS!: What makes you smile? What makes your heart sing? In my life, which has been going on for quite awhile now, there have been many things. Oh,...

Carolyn McBreen Gibbs Blog: My Heart, My JESUS!

Carolyn McBreen Gibbs Blog: My Heart, My JESUS!: What makes you smile? What makes your heart sing? In my life, which has been going on for quite awhile now, there have been many things. Oh,...

My Heart, My JESUS!

What makes you smile? What makes your heart sing? In my life, which has been going on for quite awhile now, there have been many things. Oh, it hasn't all been happy, and smiley, but there is so much joy, even in little things. I prefer to focus on the happy!

As far back as I can remember, I found joy in simple things. I guess I am one of those "glass is half full" kind of people. On a cloudy day, I am not sad the sun is hiding. On a cold day, I am grateful to stay in, and if it is blistering hot, a slight breeze is a blessing. 

I find great joy in babies, puppies, and my family. Even if we don't always agree, they are my family! I love the way God paints sunsets and sunrises, and His trees and flowers are unique and beautiful each in their own way. Music makes me smile! I love all kinds, whether country, classical, 50s, Cajun, or Gospel. I love music that speaks to me with words and melody.

The greates joy is My JESUS! Yes, He is mine, my friend, my teacher, my Savior! His love for me brings a smile to my face and a joy to my heart like nothing else! He has taught me so much, since I accepted Him as my personal Savior! Through His word, in prayer, and with His other children, I learn more about Him! I know His character, and I have learned about my character.

I never knew how much crud I had in my life, or how fragmented I was, until JESUS began to show me, step by step. I am learning that those that hurt me, had their own hurts. They really had no idea how they were affecting me, because they didn't understand their own issues. I have learned finally to forgive. I have learned that their perception of me, was not what God saw.

I am worthy, I am loveable, and I do have a purpose. My Jesus knew me before my parents even met. He knew the little insecure girl would need Him in her life to become what He planned her to be all along. I grew up feeling insecure, feeling like a failure in everything because I didn't measure up, but JESUS saw me as His Princess, His daughter, the Apple of His eye! And that makes me smile.....That makes my heart sing!  How about you?