Saturday, February 27, 2016

Be Still.....Just Be Still!

How many times have you heard, God will answer, just wait? How many times do you give God the problem, only to snatch it away, because you were too impatient? How many times have you heard, give it to God, and let it go? If you are like me, the answer is many, many times.

As humans with skin on, living in an imperfect world, we somehow get the idea, we are experts on how things should go. Especially if the need is timely, or really great, we pray our desperate prayer, but before Fod can line up an answer, we grab the problem back, and try to figure it out ourselves. I know how hard it is to wait for God's answer.

We see only one way out of a situation, maybe two at the most. These are the obvious, human resources, that we think will work great. When we have it fixed in our mind, we pray to God to try and get Him to use our plan. I can tell you from experience, this never works. God see much more than just the immediate, so His plans are more complete and far reaching.

The part about answered prayer we don't always understand, is the waiting. Why do I have to wait? God can do anything, so why not just give it to me now? Yes, God can do anything, but His plans will always be the best for me, and I will learn from it. It goes much deeper than granting requests. God is not a magic genie. We humans make wrong choices, and then we need help. If God just gave us an easy out, we would not learn from our wrong choice!

Just because you can't see the plan unfold, it doesn't mean God is not working on your behalf. His plans require behind the scenes arranging and rearranging of circumstances. If you and I get out of the way, God will unfold it all to fall into place perfectly!  That is the hard part...getting out of the way.

As I grow older, and stay close to God, I've learned several things. There are times when God answers prayer, almost before I get the whole prayer out. Sometimes when He says no, I found out later, it was for my good. When He says wait, I have learned to trust Him. That total trust in Him is what allows me to let go, and leave it with Him.

I used to make a lot of bad choices, especially in finances. I prayed desperately for a solution, but what I was really praying for, was, no consequences. The more desperate I got for an answer, the more I took it away from God and tried to fix it myself. I made it worse. What I finally learned was to be honest with God, and realize the outcome with Him was not going to be a disaster for me. It took many years, but now, I can release all concerns to Him, and be still, and have peace.

It is like with anything else, we follow our own path, we sin, we face consequences, we learn. I have always been a slow learner! Now when I mess up, I can admit it, and take whatever God dea,s necessary to get me back on track! I am still, broken, still sin, still suffer pride, but, I am reminded sooner, that that is not the way I should continue. It has given my life clarity, simplicity, and far less anxiety! Those are never from God! 

Life on earth will never be perfect, but walk closer and closer with Jesus. Listen to Him. To listen, you have to be quiet! A friend recently shared that one day God, just shushed her, and said, just stop! Be still! Start today, to truly let Jesus take the troubles, whatever they are! He has broad shoulders, and He loves you! Follow Him! Allow Him space to make His plans work! It will take a lot of pressure off of you!