Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Carolyn McBreen Gibbs Blog: What Would Mom Say?

Carolyn McBreen Gibbs Blog: What Would Mom Say?: Recently my husband John did a funeral for a family at our Church. That is not remarkable in itself, but what struck me was a very sweet tra...

Carolyn McBreen Gibbs Blog: What Would Mom Say?

Carolyn McBreen Gibbs Blog: What Would Mom Say?: Recently my husband John did a funeral for a family at our Church. That is not remarkable in itself, but what struck me was a very sweet tra...

Friday, June 17, 2016

Carolyn McBreen Gibbs Blog: A Molly Walk!

Carolyn McBreen Gibbs Blog: A Molly Walk!: I love walks! Sometimes my Daddy takes me, and I love being with my Daddy, but he is all, " Let's do business, Molly, so we can go ...

A Molly Walk!

I love walks! Sometimes my Daddy takes me, and I love being with my Daddy, but he is all, " Let's do business, Molly, so we can go in!" Walks with Mom are usually long. She lets me do walks my way. You see I like to take my time, I want to see and smell everything along the way!

We have three different routes. Mom knows when I like to do each, and she's O.K. With that. I love to sniff each spot on the grass. If I find a smell I like, I want to spend time there. My nose tells me who was there before. We have lots of dogs in our neighborhood so it's fun to track them.

I like to start with the friend Max's yard. Then we go up by our swimming pool. I like the big tree there. Then if I find a really great smell, I like to roll and roll around in the grass. I get my leash all tangled, but after the last roll, it seems to straighten out. I like that Mom doesn't make me stop, or move to fast. She seems to know a walk is much more than just going potty.

Some times we see neighbor's, and some times other dogs. I have my favorites, but mostly I don't like to be distracted from my walk!  There are strange things to see too. Sometimes a plastic bag will get caught in a bush, and I have to creep up on it, to protect Mom, you know! Of course my all time favorite is if a squirrel runs past me. Mom has to hang on tight, because I really want that squirrel. They always run up a tree, and then tease chatter at me. Why can't I climb trees?

Mostly I just like this time with my Mom. She is all mine on our walks. There's no vacuum, no broom, no laundry, no ironing, just walking.  Sometimes, I look up at her and stop, so she bends down and gives me loves. Sometimes she picks me up, and carries me a little. Then I am ready to go again! Thanks Mom, for making walks fun, and more than just doing my "business!"

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Carolyn McBreen Gibbs Blog: Why Me?

Carolyn McBreen Gibbs Blog: Why Me?: Do you wonder why you are here? Maybe you wonder what significance your life has. As one who has always been insecure, it took me years to s...

Why Me?

Do you wonder why you are here? Maybe you wonder what significance your life has. As one who has always been insecure, it took me years to see my life as important. In the world, a life is deemed important by how much money you make, or what kind of car you drive, or if your clothes cost a lot. The world sees success as having wealth, prestige, and important friends. 

I grew up with money, name brand clothes, and nice houses, and new cars. I was always on the fringe of having the right friends. In a large group, I was part of the popular, the elite of the class, but on a personal level, I was not included. I wasn't witty enough, bold enough, or pretty enough. I was just me.

There were many things I loved, and wanted to pursue, but, again, I wasn't smart enough, and was very shy, so those dreams were way above me. Been there? If not, you were lucky. I was just ordinary.No one hung on my words, no one followed what I did, and no one elected me for Prom Queen. I had friends, and I did a lot of activities, but my friends were not in the popular group.

In God's realm that all changes. Before I found His world, I decided to change the one I was in. I discovered if I drank, and smoked, I fit in better. I changed my hair, wore more makeup, and found clothes that were not modest. I became outgoing, and found new friends. It was fun, but I had no purpose other than fun, and self.

After many years of wandering, and wondering what my life meant, God found me! Once I committed my life to Him, I was a new person. Total opposite from what the world said I should be. Funny thing, though, I still looked at others, who were smarter, better, and had a purpose.  I still didn't know what I was supposed to be doing for God's Kingdom. What could I offer anyone? I was a flawed, sinner, who God saved by Grace, but I didn't know what to do with it.

Slowly I realized that my story, and my talents were as important as anyone else's. Over the years, God taught me that I am special, and my ministry was to love, obey, and serve Jesus. The talents God blessed me with are unique to me, and for some people, only those talents will help them. Some ministry was for a season, then God gave me a different season. 

The biggest lesson He taught me, was that every part of my life, from insecure, to now, is usable by God. Every crisis, every pain, every melt down can be used to minister to someone else. Whether I have suffered great illnesses, my chronic pain, relationship hurts, or feeling insignificant, it all matters to God.. He can and will use it all for the good of the Kingdom. Using every piece of my past, the good, the bad, and the ugly, God has blessed me with ministry wherever I go. I am significant,and
I have a purpose! If you aren't sure who you are, and why you are where you are, give it to God, He will make something beautiful out of the ashes. He did for me, and He will for you, if you are His!

Monday, June 6, 2016

Carolyn McBreen Gibbs Blog: Fatherly Love

Carolyn McBreen Gibbs Blog: Fatherly Love: Can I be honest with you? Last week was a personal melt down for me. I don't usually fall apart, but when I let myself get tired and run...

Fatherly Love

Can I be honest with you? Last week was a personal melt down for me. I don't usually fall apart, but when I let myself get tired and rundown, I let my own words invade my mind. I was depressed, and I never get depressed. I knew I was in trouble. I was trying to do too many things, plus take care of my husband who had surgery a month ago.

I am not telling you all this for sympathy, or to say, "poor me" but rather to show you how my Heavenly Father takes care of me! No one knows me better than He does. He knows exactly what I need in any situation, and when I need it.  Years ago God gave me a husband that usually knows what I need before I do. Much of God's wisdom goes through John. I'm still learning to listen to John.

I don't sleep well a lot of nights, and I found myself in a maze going nowhere. I was trying to be nurse, take care of the house, shopping, planting flowers, laundry, ironing. And in addition counseling at Church, mentoring, and taking a Biblical Counseling course. I found I was barely skimming the surface, not doing any chore well, and having no quiet time for Bible study, writing, or time with God! 

Last week it all crashed in on me. I called out to God, my Father and told Him I did 't know what to do. I was overwhelmed, and couldn't put two complete thoughts together, because I couldn't think! I seriously thought I was losing what gray matter I had left. I could relate to a gerbil in the little plastic ball they roll on the floor. Yes, I was a
Mess! I cried out Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. On Sunday, God answered!

Our Pastor's sermon, was titled Second Wind. The first thing he said was, we need to recharge our batteries, rest, and don't give up. Life is a marathon, so we need to be fully engaged. I learned I needed to make time to be alone, quiet, and listen to the still small voice of my Father. He will show me what I need in quiet whispers. He loves me even when I don't deserve it. I need to slow down, and let God show me His provision, and His character! 

I need to do what I can, and not stress if it doesn't all get done in my time frame. When I am counseling it is so easy for me to tell others this wisdom, but hard to follow when it is me. Mostly, I need to remember it isn't all on my back, and it's not all about me.  I need to take time to breathe Him in. In life there are many things that push us to he wall, and sooner or later, we all hit the wall!

I was blessed beyond belief as I sat there with tears in my eyes. I had cried out in desperation to God. I shouted out my frustration. I told God I just needed to rest! He already knew He had His words for me through our Pastor. Don't ever tell me God doesn't answer......He has proven it to me over and over. Sometimes I had to wait and wait for the answer, sometimes He gave me something better than I asked for, and sometimes He answers almost before the words are out of my mouth! 

I love when my Father shows me what I need to know. He teaches with patience, love, and all the provision of a loving father. An encounter with Him can and will always give me the second wind I need!  When He takes care of me, then I can come alongside others for the Kingdom. My life counts for my Father, and yours does too!

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Carolyn McBreen Gibbs Blog: God Is Still God!

Carolyn McBreen Gibbs Blog: God Is Still God!: It doesn't matter if you believe or not. It doesn't change the fact that God is God. He is sovereign, He is omnipresent, He is omnip...