Monday, August 26, 2013

New Beginnings

Well I am starting on yet another new adventure. Actually it is the same adventure, different location. When my blog site went down and was un-retrievable, I missed blogging, so determined to start over. At this point some things are better, some are not, and some are just different. I will need you, my followers to share your input.

New adventures are always exciting. When I began writing, after I finished my classes, I did not really become a writer, until I had written for awhile. I was blessed with a loving, Godly, patient editor, and she taught me all the rest of what I know now. I discovered over  the years that it is essential to never stop learning. You have to be willing to learn, and not be so egotistical that you think you are too good to learn from others.

The very first thing I learned from God was that all writing I did had to honor Him. I met so many Christians, was blessed to tell their stories, and was assigned more and more. I have never resorted to taking advantage of people, just for a story. I have never written trash, or anything that wasn't up-lifting.God has directed this career and has given the talent....I can do no less.

Sometimes new adventure can be scary. In our skin suits, we are afraid of what we don't know. We can drive ourselves crazy imagining the outcome, especially if it is an area we have never walked in before. When I went to college, I had never been far from home. I was not a super good student, and I imagined no one would like me, classes would be too scary to even imagine. Reality was that I made friends, I still wasn't a super student, but I passed, and I enjoyed my classes. When I started teaching, I was unsure of how much influence I would have. Again would anyone like me, and could I handle a room full of pre-school children? Of course it went well, and now years later I am seeing those kids graduate from  High School and going off to college.

New adventures....God's training ground! How boring life would be without the adventures whether they are good or bad. I have learned that sometimes an adventure is not what we had in mind for our lives, but if we are followers of Jesus, and we are His, He will take even unintentional adventures, and turn them into good for His glory. I look back and see His mighty hand in all I have become, even when I didn't have a clue. Even this Blog....I did not want to give up all  I had  created on the other site, but He is walking me through this one, and it is good! Praying that you will join me in the adventure, while you enter your own new adventures in life! I am grateful, wherever I go, I go not alone! God has my back!

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